Friday, August 17, 2012

A lot like Love…a li’l like chocolate

v  When they both change their cellular talk plans, buy hands free to relax their heated ears from all the marathon conversations.

v  When every time the weather turns romantic or a romantic songs plays anywhere around, they end up calling each other. 

v  When they fight over trivial issues, shout and abuse each other and yet at the end of the day, call and makeup. Communication. That’s what keeps them going when they want it to work so badly.

v  When a look or voice is enough for him to realize she’s not okay even if she say otherwise.

v  When he texts her without reason and calls her at 1 am just to hear her voice.

v  When they both coincidently get absent from the function/event on the same day.

v  When he knows what brand of sanitary she uses and she complaints of his cell full of non-veg msgs.

v  When his mother is glad that his son’s softer side is sprouting. 

v  When she forces him to spend time with his mother and talk to his dad over the phone.

v  When he waits outside the changing room, holding her bag as she tries dozen dresses.

v  When he disconnects her call for he can’t miss the live cricket and she pretends to be not hurt and realizes that he is a guy.

v  When she remembers all the important anniversaries and he typically act like forgetting them all and they fight.

v  When he cooks for her, but fails miserably and yet she sportingly take a bite.

v  When she fights for every cigarette he took.

v  When, at the ticket counter for a movie, he always asks for the centre corner seats and always sits on the right side to make sure her arm only brushes against his and no other guy’s.

v  When they reach to place late and his shirt is skewed and her hair unsettled.

v  When she meets him on a bad ‘hair’ day. Proudly. 

v  When she happily pay for them sometimes and he lets her ride the bike. Risky. Yet.

v  When there common friends bitch about them on their absence.

v  When he starts getting possessive about her and ask her not act that way or this way and they fight to resolve it. She still acts the same and he, the sulky expression.

v  When they always get to sit on the back seats on a drive with friends.

v  When they start talking about their future. Devise plans. Think of ways to continue their relationship.

Monday, May 14, 2012


There are often confusions on what I really feel and mean and it makes me wonder if it really is that difficult!
For all the people who met me and couldn’t figure me out and others who never knew me, I :
  • Whenever I am looking straight into your eyes, simply means I am trying to understand more than I am intended to do.
  • Find it utterly difficult to say “NO”, especially to people who are close to me
  • Whenever I say, it’s “OK“means that it could really have been better, and what is right in front of me, is not exactly I was expecting!
  • O yes! I like a person more if he/she is intelligent and is control of his/her speech more than what he looks like.
  • I really don’t want some people to feel bad so I lie sometimes..(O yes! I do lie, and I won’t be a hypocrite calling myself a saint! )
  • Maybe I look like an egoist to you, but if that is what you call self respect and reserved attitude (with strangers).
  • So what if I do things my way? Isn’t it meant to be that way?
  • I have made mistakes, o ya, I have.. but I am not grieving over it. I believe in letting go and take it more like a lesson than a mistake; trust me, it’s a key to happiness
  • I am comfortable with my choice of clothing and I pretty like the way my face is. Confidence is my forte not designer labels
  • Just because I read books doesn’t mean I am a geek. (If I loved music did that mean I am a musician?).
  • Just because I am not judgmental on someone’s face doesn’t really imply I don’t have an opinion on people and that everyone I met was ultra- cool. I just love minding my own business when I got nothing to lose while other times, with people I care about, I like being their shadow
  • Yes, I save money and not spend it all at once, because I have something better in mind that I want
  • I like the fact when I am serious and if the lie is affecting me, it’s better to accept the folly than providing a cover up. It will only prove disastrous!

Monday, April 16, 2012

If it’s not forever..It’s not Love.. (Awesome romantic lines….)

‘Sometimes, like that vampire in those movies, I stay up nights to watch you sleep.’
‘Liar’, she says and smiles shyly.
‘I mean I try to. But they are vampires, they don’t sleep. I do. But I do watch you. And all I do is….’
‘…wonder if you dream about me?’ I say,
‘Do I look happy when I am sleep?’
‘Yes, you do.’
‘Then I’m sure I’m dreaming about you,’ she says and puts her head on my shoulder.
These little things are what make my life worth living.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Doing the wrong things in right way

It has been long time I had logged into my Blogs. Feel like why am I not regular into this.
One long year when I left my last company to settle down in my home town with family & I didn’t realize when this long year completed. This last year gave me handful of experience of life which can be treasured forever, looking into more such experience to groom myself for bigger challenges in life.
These days are quite hectic & confusing for me.
Every one related to me complaining to me about I don’t have time for them, starting from family, special one’s, friends, office colleague, Clients and above all myself.
I am in a battle between my mind & heart. Mind say to concentrate on what you doing and to stop thinking about materialistic things like care & love, to focus on more realistic things like money & power. Hearth say explore love and try to indulge in it, as love is the ultimate things one can get to lead a peaceful life. Currently mind is in superior position & exploiting the heart, because of that I am not able to bridge that gap of my mind & heart for a peaceful result.

Monday, November 7, 2011


When you talk about any relation, it comes with a set standard and expectation, and you connect to it immediately. You tend to find similarities, whether it is mother’s love, father’s affection or sibling rivalry, but the self chosen relationship of love with a partner breaks the rules of standardization!

Type1: One dominates, and the other one is an ass!
Type2: Both partners are ultimate bore and cheesy, and tend to think life is all about them being together.
Type3: The open relationship types (I really don’t understand the need for this one)
Type4: The ever fighting and complaining ones
Type5: They are both cool and have their individuality intact.. And you wished you could be like them

People say “love ” keeps the world revolving, it certainly does. People fight, cry and some even die for it! Interacting with friends caught my attention to this particular friend who found it difficult to cope with the responsibilities of calling the partner as a form of compulsion and not mood. Another one complained of unduly feeling responsible for mood swings of the partner and felt obliged to listen to the ugly shouting (Type4). Friend3 thought he owed every detail of his life to his girlfriend and felt guilty hiding even his underwear color from her (the Type2)! Friend4 hid everything from his girlfriend; he felt it was unnecessary for a guy to share things with girls! Certainly the vice- versa was not acceptable to him (the Type1 kind!). Friend5 was inexperienced in reciprocated love, but certainly had huge opinions- strange! Love is not to be underestimated and flaunted by everyone- its too risky and often offensive.. lol

The Type5 is worth the risks and it breaks the rules of typical love stories. Partners let the other partner breathe, have their self respect intact, aren’t imposing and indeed supporting and of course practical. Sounding dreamy? Trust me, 1 in 1000 people are real. They know stories in novels are just stories and look beyond the horizon! These lovers are real time and don’t always expect you to be reminding you that they exist, it comes naturally; they understand completely when it doesn’t work at the end, realizing fully that something else mattered more and that at-least they helped each other grow individually. They rejoice the life they spent and are happy the way it was meant to be.

Decide where you belong and remember, love helps your world revolve around, but it’s not the only reason why your life is revolving!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

“Have you ever wished life had a rewind button? No, not only because of regrets, simply to enjoy those moments you cherished just one more time!!”

I have! Lots of times!

Time travel or a time machine has always been a concept that has fascinated me. Not fascinated me to the extent that I want to build one … but fascinating in the sense that it offers so many possibilities.

How many times have we wished that we could back something that we said, undo something that we did, be with dear and near ones when there is a happening in the family, and relive moments that were happy and memorable?

There are times when I have wished that I could take back some of the words that I uttered, undo some incidents and make sure there was a better way to handle the awkward moments, be with my family and folks when there was a happening / festive occasion instead of listening to the details over the phone, relive some of the most happiest moments in life ….

“If only” is a constant phrase in my life! If only I had not said that, if only I had done this instead of that, if only I had not missed it….

Yes! I know messing with the fabric of time is not a good thing. In fact it will lead to dangerous consequences if not handled properly or if it falls into the wrong hands.

But if used effectively, imagine the possibilities it could offer!!

I for one would be the happiest to know that I could live a life without any regrets! Of course, now I know you’re going to say that, it’s from regrets and mistakes that you learn about life, relationships and the value of it. It’s something that I keep saying too. And I know it’s true!! But for once, imagining a life where you could go back in time, undo some stuff, do things a bit differently, and be there when it counts, actually feels quite alluring!!

Well it does not cost anything to dream of it right…!!