Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Yes u can call it crap... If u want to….

Many question’s in life remain unanswered….but we always search for the reason why it was un answered…we always think weather we don’t deserve the explanation…or in reality there is no such explanation for that….u have to take it that way…in a bold way….

In life u want to became something ..
I Joined NCC in college …becoz I wanted to join army…
Joined ZYM in graduation time…then I wanted to became a model..
Joined MBA in …then I wanted to became a finance analyst or marketing analyst…
but u end up other way always….and u think always y m I here n y m I doing these….but in reality u continue doing the same which u didn’t like….. n u don’t have any explanation or answer to yourself…..
I always wanted to do something in life…something creative…something out of league.. but I don’t know y m I stuck in this place…doing mundane job……the same regular kind of job….daily 9 to 7….
Now question arises...
who is stopping me…. That’s I called CRAP…because no one is stopping I myself doing this CRAP…

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